Cyber Disinhibition

18 Dec


This video demonstrates a level of Online Disinhibition. This user is providing information to his audience with the factors of anonymity, invisibility, self-disclosure, immediate feedback or asynchronicity, and appropriateness. He demonstrates points that are valid to this theory about social conventions and environment.


Would this user be this open to explaining this concept if he had face-to-face interaction?


Bynum, J. (Producer). (2010). Cyber Disinhibition. [Web Video]. Retrieved from

Online Disinhibition

18 Dec
Cyber Disinhibition

Online Disinhibition is the increased feeling of anonymity experienced when communicating online

In this weeks blog post I will take a look at online or cyber disinhibition. This is an effect that occurs frequently through out online platforms because of the lack of face-to face communication. Individuals are prone to act irrational or inappropriate because of several key factors. The primary factors include invisibility and asynchronicity, which increases self-disclosure and decreases weight of appropriateness and context. This is evident throughout social media platforms like facebook, YouTube, and twitter. You see users self-disclose personal information that may not follow appropriate social conventions established. You also see users rant using foul language or even discount someone’s work that is just looking for constructive criticism. This theory is one that we have all dealt with in some fashion.  I know if we have strong governing values we can identify when we are behaving in a way that may give off a perception to our audience we are not attending to give off.

In some cases the theory of online disinhibition can be used advantageously. For example when using email as a form of communication we can craft messages that have intentional impact to influence our audience or receiver.  A great example of this would be to communicate through email to establish a deal for a vehicle purchase. You’re eliminating the face-to-face interaction and using this to your advantage. There must be an awareness to combat against things like-self disclosure and appropriateness.

Suler, J. (2004). The Online Disinhibition Effect. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 7(3), 321-326. doi: 10.1089/1094931041291295

Agenda -Setting

30 Nov

The Hypodermic Needle Theory Proceeds the concept of agenda setting. Here is an example of agenda setting and a great explanation of  it.

30 Nov
Hypodermic Needle Theory

Illustration of the Hypodermic Needle Teory

The hypodermic Needle Theory is one that has been called the magic bullet. The idea behind this theory is one that states media has a direct affect on a society’s perceptions. When we look at this concept the tone that is carried alongside it is one of deceitfulness, misdirection, manipulation, and control. The German’s National Socialist Party was successful with the use of Propaganda in World War II. What’s clear from this is all countries involved in this War used this type of media communication either to boost morale on the home front, demonize the enemy, or kill the morale of the soldiers on the front line. The particular medium used to convey certain messages during this time included leaflets, posters, movies, and even cartoons. Research has claim that the impact of this theory is no longer valid.


Eugene F Shaw speaks about mass communication and agenda setting. The theory is slightly different because it states media outlets are persuasive in determining the importance the public may put on a specific event or person. It is clear that both of these theories are similar. The difference is the hypodermic needle theory has a more immediate impact. My personal idea is that most major media outlets especially news outlets have political agendas. We see this differentiated between networks like CNBC and Fox News. There political views come through in their messages and how they report. We may see one network praise our President for his efforts and the other being very critical about what he is not doing, I believe this is synonymous with agenda setting and demonstrates how media can still shape the ideas of an audience.




Shaw, E. F. (1979). Agenda-setting and mass communication theory. International Communication Gazette, 25(96), 96. doi: 10.1177/001654927902500203


Merritt, M. (2010, January 26). Increased media consumption and impact on youth: 7 steps for controlling runaway media use. Retrieved from

Effective Banner Ads

8 Nov

Theses are several examples of banner ads  I created for laptops for All using using best practices.

Click on Making Learning Exciting to see the GIF animation.

Future Trends In Mobile Advertising

28 Sep
Morph Device



Are American marketing and advertising companies testing and using these new trends to explore mobile viability in marketing?

 It is clear that American marketers are testing the waters of mobile viability. Having the potential to reach specific consumer segments at prime times offer the incentive to explore how location based marketing will benefit the future of business. At this point we see that opt-in models are very effective ways to target specific consumer segments that are interested in a company’s offerings. The trends of mobile advertising follow the evolution of the mobile smart device that is now known as our primary and central means of communicating. Pilot programs are finding new information out about mobile marketing at limited extents.


What positive changes do you foresee on the horizon for mobile advertising?

 I believe all moving parts such advertisers; merchants, consumers, and service providers must understand what is at stake if regulation is not developed for this aggressive mobile movement. If all parties become a part of the framework that creates accountability on how mobile advertising is conducted then further integration will be realized for the future of the mobile movement.


What negative changes do you foresee?

 Experiencing unsolicited advertising can be an annoyance. The idea behind location based targeting can easily create chaos for any individual. This can further disrupt the adoption of mobile commerce. Because our phones are now our digital wallets security can be one of biggest negative changes I foresee.

Use of Mobile Advertising

20 Sep Smart Phones
Smart Phones
Using Mobile advertising

Because of the mobile explosion it is evident that more and more users depend on their mobile devices for their primary form of communication. Using these devices in today’s business industries and family life’s are about productivity and access to useful content and information instantaneously. I believe the basis of how marketer’s approach mobile advertising is on the right track.  Targeting, awarding incentives, using multiple channels, and making needing changes from analyzing metrics I believe is a great formula for success. In general brick and motor stores should have a direct connection with their mobile efforts making individuals more apt to participate and particular campaigns because awareness is the key.

It is very important to be sensitive to culture differences. In the business of advertising this speaks volumes about an organization and the relationship they would like to establish with their audiences. I believe that music can connect us universally and can also be a tool to identify our cultural differences. We can use this tool to bring awareness to and idea, product, or service.

The Latin American market is just like any market. Understanding that it is one market rich in culture must be how we tie the approach of our marketing efforts into this audience. Creating relevant content, useful applications, and incentives that resonated with what Latin American identity is key. Again I believe we can use music to aggregate Latin American users to follow identified ad campaigns and demonstrate their benefits to the individuals involved.

There are three effective ways a business can grow using mobile advertising. One is add an opt-in within your website’s email registration page asking people if they would like to receive text messages via their cell phones.  Establish opt-in rich media campaigns, and third purchase subscriber services to increase database.

I believe productivity apps, shopping apps, communication apps, entertainment apps, finance and business apps etc. The point that I am trying to make is all apps have value for adults even if the content is for our kids it can positively impact us.

“Does “digital couponing” cause consumers to forsake brand name products over cheaper products or services?

8 Sep

It is obvious that mobile is influencing every aspect of our lives. CPG marketers have an opportunity to expound on its influence by creating useful mobile sites that are easy to utilize. Online coupon companies have invested in research that demonstrates that digital coupons drive incremental sales as much as 40% from new or lapsed buyers. This same study reveals 63% of redemptions drove incremental volume rather than cannibalizing existing sales. This research gives great insight on the importance of online couponing. I agree that digital couponing does create brand disloyalty because the emphasis families are placing on saving money. One can consider the influence the economy has on this behavior and the fact that mobile creates new consumer tendencies.  To create success in this movement mobile has to be done right.

“Do you feel that JC Penney will find success with their “mobile couponing”

8 Sep

I believe JC Penney’s pilot coupon program will be a great success as long as they make the redemption process hassle free. It seems that this idea has been carefully monitored because there is a direct correlation to the increase in mobile devices sold and the viability in mobile couponing. Having the ability to redeem benefits for your favorite brands through mobile couponing directly from your devices creates an experience that I believe is a natural progression from traditional paper coupons. From personal experience couponing can be tedious and hard to organize. With prominent applications that are compatible with universal formats can make this experience easy to organize with a few clicks. We all have our phones with us and if CPG markets can find creative access point to make consumers aware of the coupon benefits this will be a win for both sides. I believe JC Penny’s understands there target and adding this pilot to the marketing strategy will bring new customers retain loyal customers.

Mock up Landing Page

29 Mar
Landing page Mock Up

This landing page mock up is for Laptops For All

This landing page mock up will be utilized to build an email list and to promote access to the company’s website. We will be offering a free wireless keyboard instantaneously using the promo code generated. Interested customers will be able to shop immediately using the call to action shop now.